Thursday, April 4, 2013

Picture blog.

Ok, so I got that last post off my chest. If you made it through the whole thing, go buy yourself a milk shake, on me. Well. On sojourn church. Talk to Ernie Wagoner. If you made it through the whole post Ernie Wagoner will buy you a milkshake. Email him at noknees@hardtostand.leg
I'm about to windmill kick y'all with pictures.
Jared and I have done a lot of things here since our last written post. A TON of traveling. Seriously, in the last 2 weeks we have traveled by:





And by car, motorcycle, and our legs. I got to share my testimony at an Indonesian prison, pictured here with my translator and one of the inmates:

we went to an island called Timor and another one called Rote with a pastor and another man that works with the outreach portion of our company to prepare for a Johnson Ferry Baptist mission team that will be here in a couple months. The trip was very fruitful, as we met with many pastors and members in the community who will be lending a hand to help with the mission team when they arrive. It was cool to see the behind the scenes stuff that goes into a mission trip! oh. and it was beautiful, and we got to sleep like 100 yards from the beach and snorkel during our free time. we didnt have any electricity or running water, but we didnt even care. you can watch the video of our free time adventures here:
And here are randoms from the trip.

We still teach English class.

We went north to Salatiga to visit my missionary friends for easter (first americans we've talked to since we came here). We hang out with our indonesian friends and go eat and and sit and talk a LOT, we are continuing to learn and grow and are seriously growing more in love with Jesus every day! It's crazy to think that when you ask him to reveal himself to you and you seek him, he actually responds! Hah, we have been loving it here so much. We just do life with these people who have become our friends.

On top of our home in jogja

My friends Pete and Joy Neal that graciously invited into their home for Easter weekend (and the next few pics)

Euchre. You beautiful card game, you.

Easter morning breakfast! American breakfast! Thank you Jesus!
Oh, and last night we roasted a kilo of the rarest coffee bean in the world, Kopi Luwak, using YouTube, a gas stove, and a wok.

I edited this so Jared's face would glow more. He couldn't have been more excited.
Guys. I am so tired. I just want to sleep. I hope enjoy this post, as scattered as it was. We do a lot here, and its really hard to recap like 3 weeks with one post. My bad. But we are still just living here and loving people, loving Jesus, and learning a ton.
Jared is preaching a sermon on the great commission this Sunday. I've read through his sermon, and I really believe that the Lord is going to use it to encourage these people to speak boldly the name of Jesus! Please pray for him as he continues to prepare, and pray that the Holy Spirit will be his mouth piece, and he will communicate exactly what the Lord wants him to say!
We love you all so much.

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much..... love what you guys are doing and have done! and Ernie owes me a just saying! Great pics, too! God Bless!
