Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Here's What's Going On...

So we are having some serious difficulties with uploading videos. I know you all probably have not left your screen in hopeful anticipation that a great video will just magically pop up...well you may be waiting a while. For some reason we cannot upload videos here. We will try to upload some in the city later.

All we wanted to say now was this: We are going to update this blog once a week on Wednesdays for us and Thursdays for you. Confusing, I know. We do not want to overdo it with the updates and the instagrams and all that social media stuff. We want to remain focused on what we are doing here and maintain the mindset that we are here to serve the Lord.

Are we having fun? Oh yes. Is it hotter than anywhere we have been? Absolutely. Do we have a chair in our room? Nope. Is the food delicious and cheap? Yup.

Until we get our videos up, here are a few pictures for you to enjoy...

This is James outside of our room (on the right) thinking about something really amazing I am sure. We did not expect such an amazing place to live. The Lord has really hooked us up!

This is right around the corner of our place. It's hard to explain what this place is. But basically it is a piece of property owned by the company we will work for that has offices and several guest houses. James and I live in one of them and three young guys live in the others. We will try and get pictures with them later. 

This is our bathroom. I know what you are thinking and we totally agree...it is a great color scheme. Honestly we did not even expect to have an actual shower. We were picturing buckets. While it mainly spits water that is cold, we are thankful for it. 

This is next to our room. I am not 100% sure as to what they are growing, but I think it is some sort of peppers. The tree that looks like a palm tree is actually a Papaya tree. Also around our house are: mango trees, banana trees, lemon trees, and rambutan trees. Rambutan is what James likes to call snot fruit due to the look and texture of it. But it is actually really good!

Here is James and I in our room. Both in need of haircuts and showers. We are ready to take on the city...right after a nap. Actually jet lag has not been too bad. We both woke up at 3am today and were not able to get solid sleep after that. But we did go to bed at 7pm. In a few days I think we will be on a solid sleep schedule.

I have been thankful for the two guys that live in the rooms across from us. I have been able to speak the language a lot and I feel that by the time I leave here I will be fluent. James has done a great job of catching on to the language as well. He gets really excited when he recognizes a word that he knows!

Funny story: Today, James and I began to learn how to drive a motorcycle. I back my bike out and am preparing to ride it. I am thinking that this is going to be easy, that I drive a stick shift back home so no problem, and also bring it on. Well as I go to slowly turn the clutch with my left hand, my right hand rips on the gas. I drive super fast straight into the sidewalk where I crash the bike. I am only grateful that James was looking the other way and did not see it happen. However, all ten or more of the workers saw me and I am sure made fun of the "white boy." I recovered and slowly began to pick up how to drive the stupid thing. James did great and drove his bike like a champ. I feel that at this point James will be the one to drive us around until I can get the hang of it.

So that's it. All is well. All is hot. Another post will be coming your way next week. Until then please keep us in your prayers. We love you all dearly and know that we could not be here without you.

In His love, 


1 comment:

  1. Laughed at the bike crashing story and I appreciate the humility displayed by telling it so vividly. You're already growing so much! Glory.
