Monday, January 14, 2013

Leg 3/4: delirium

Hey folks.

We made it to Kuala Lumpur! they won't let us upload any videos on the wifi here...chumps.

LA to Tokyo was 12 hours of cruel, heartless punishment, but Tokyo to Malaysia wasn't that bad...Jared got to sleep a lot more than I did, and delirium is beginning to have its way with me. Ambien + severe inability to sleep on planes was a bad idea.

Just sayin we made it to Malaysia, and we have a 2 hour flight to the East Pole, a 5 hour layover, then one more flight in country. So close.

The airport in Malaysia is sweet though. YouTube it. Cause we can't.

Much love,


Location:Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  1. I'm thinking by now you are sitting in the East Pole, waiting for your last flight. So yay!! you are there!! Can't wait to hear everything!

  2. Happy for you that you are so close . Will be praying for you .
